There's a flag wrapped around a score of men (Hey!)
A gag, a plastic bag on a monument
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday!
- Green Day's Holiday
- Green Day's Holiday
Holidays. A word which may sound like bliss to almost everyone. The period of time where you can go on a vacation, catch up on your sleep or a particular television series you are following or just laze. This holiday was pretty uncalled for because Taylor's was having their shifting to the new campus done.
My holidays were not too productive, to be honest. Was I getting my assignments done? Not really. I remember going places - running errands, eating and that is it. I went for my dental appointment to check my post braces teeth. The dentist said in order to get my lower front teeth straighter, I would have to put on braces again on the 6 lower front teeth for 6 months. Either that or I will have to wear my retainers 24/7 unless I am eating or brushing my teeth which is quite a hassle, I must say. So, I will be putting on braces (again, sigh) next Tuesday. Let the 'torturing' pain begin, once again.
The road to KLIA on a Friday night.
When I was younger, we used to travel to my mum's hometown in Seremban to visit our relatives. We would come back home at night with some jazz songs or some other sleepy songs playing and me feeling nauseous. Maybe I was car sick. I would be fast asleep by the time we got home and either one of my brothers or my dad would have to carry me into the house.

Pantai Seafood Restaurant.
The name of the restaurant says it all. Having a variety of seafood to choose from, small wine cellar, a nice ambience, what more could you ask?

First try of the Taiwanese gourmet in One Utama.

It was a pretty decent place. There were a lot of babies/little kids around in fact. I have no idea why, but the places I have been to over the past few days had small children. I could not help myself but to look at them (not in a stalker way, of course!).
Before entering college, I had a long "holiday." If getting REJECTED for my application to transfer to the first batch for National Service is not bad enough; I found out that I was in the third batch. If I were to be in the first batch, I would have gone for it. That alone frustrated me, but I decided to let it go and defer it.
3 months, almost 4 - may sound like a pretty long 'holiday' but I managed to go through these few months (December '09-March '10) without working or whatsoever. I went for driving lessons, I swam, I read books, I helped out with the chores at home, I hung out with friends, I slept at the oddest hours... Time passed just like that.
I did wonder how I was going to go through college days with my haywire sleeping hours. The day before the 29th of March - morning rather, I only got to sleep for 2 hours. Maybe it was the anxiety.
All in all, it was a great holiday spent.
All in all, it was a great holiday spent.
I played with dry ice too!
Bubbles forming. A mini experiment at home.
Christmas at a friend's place. The turkey meat was literally hella good. Do not get me started on the awesome gravy.
Till then.
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