Friday, 14 May 2010
Prepare yourself for some...
Mid-semester exams are only days away but what have I done? Completing assignments and having a lot of sleepless nights. I feel like I am back to square one. The months before I enrolled for college, I have been sleeping at odd hours and now, my sleeping hours have gone haywire again. Sometimes, when I do want to get myself to study, it does not seem to work. Lecturers have given us notes, tips, chapters to study for the exam; but yet I am stuck here.
Which do I study first? What do I understand? Will I do well? What if what I have studied does not come out for the paper? Will my peers do better than me? Have they started studying? Are they prepared? More importantly, am I prepared myself? Questions, questions and more questions.
Preparing for an exam does not have any effect on me, blatantly speaking. I have this immune feeling towards exams since 2007. I have no idea whether it is a good or a bad thing. Only when I sat for SPM in 2009, my heart skipped a little faster as I walked into the room for my first paper. Would I have the same feeling that I had months ago when I enter the classroom next week? Hopefully not.
Lecturers for this course have been telling us how to answer questions, giving us sample questions to do and constantly asking us whether we have questions for them or not. They are caring, no doubt. I guess all of us feel as if we could sit back and take a breather after handing up all the assignments. To our horror, that is only the beginning of everything. If I am never going to ace this term, I would never ace the next.
I work quite well with encouragement. But sometimes, all I need is my room to myself with the door shut, a comfortable seat and no one talking. The silence makes me think and concentrate more. Some people study with their headphones on. I would not be able to do that because I would be focusing on the song.
My other thoughts on exams are that people would get so stressed out; they would just give up and flunk their paper. They would not care anymore because they think there is not a point in studying seeing that there is no time left.
To get away from a crazy day of studying, I would plug in my iPod, lie down on my bed and start the player. It might leave me feeling drowsy and sleep, but it is what I would need for the time being.
Years ago, I took an online quiz and it said this about me;
"You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone."
Well, it does apply to me. Hopefully some of it applies to me during the exams. Time to kick start my weekend (with studying)!
This is the end of the CCPD blog assignment too, so till whenever, au revoir readers.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
A, B, C, D, ...
My thoughts on exams in general - scary. Parents expect sky high grades and we get peer pressure. Our mind starts unravelling everything unrelated and search for a reasonable answer to write on the paper that might "magically" appear out of the blue. Unfortunately so, that would not be happening unless you have studied. Most teens have a trend of studying; the "last-minute-studying" kind. The question is, are we going to ace it or fail it? Will our "burning-the-midnight-oil" effort pay off?
This mid-semester exams came quite quickly. It has only been less than 2 months but here we are, sitting for our first ever practical/theory exams since SPM days are over, next week. After 5 months of not cracking our heads, we are going to face this once again. I feel quite rusty because memorizing was never my thing. One thing good about this college exams is that it is not like Malaysian History where you are required to write everything out word for word. In college, you are required to understand and then paraphrase a certain sentence. But then again, if you are not in luck and cannot think of ways to paraphrase, that is it.
As our lecturers have told us, this mid-semester exams are important because further down the line, the exams get harder and harder. Some people have the independence to put their mind into the book and shut out all other noises. As one of the group on Facebook was named, "Get off Facebook and get your face IN a book." For those who have a short attention span, this might be a problem.
Another thing is, we have assignments to be done and therefore the time for us to study is a little limited. We are worrying about a number of things altogether and we have to study at the same time. Some find it hard because of this mighty word - PROCRASTINATION. Indeed, procrastination is the thief of time.
Exams today mean cramming all you have learned for the past few weeks/months into a day's study and get expected OR unexpected results. That has made exams lose its meaning in the first place. Why are we tested based on a couple of papers stapled together? You may think it is stupid but it is actually challenging your mind to think and figure out an answer.
Many have used this proverb in almost every nook and cranny of the world and it has definitely boost people's confidence: "Where there is a will there is a way." In this case, if you study for the exam, you will ace it.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Look around you and you will find a sea of people with extra/less body weight on them. People have the thinking that lighter people are healthier compared to people who are heavier. This thought is wrongly interpreted. A heavier person might have extra body mass on them but if they do sports, they are actually healthier than a lighter person who does not do sports. Often times, lighter people think that they do not have to go out and sweat it out because they are not overweight.
I have done sports before but I have lost the drive to start sweating it out again. I have always loved running. Running on the treadmill that is. Running outdoors does not push me further to run but running on the treadmill does. Funny ain't it? I would warm up by running on the treadmill for 10 minutes, head to the machines (I have never touched the weights, ever) for half an hour or so, and run for another 30-45 minutes.
Having people running on other treadmills in the gym makes me compete with them too. Seeing the calorie counter's (which might be wrong sometimes) numbers going up gives me the sense of achievement. I would increase the speed and run at a particular speed at a fast pace for 5 minutes and then slow it down and walk slowly for another 5. I will try to stay on the treadmill for as long as I can; until I literally feel like passing out everytime (mind you, I was not legal to be behind the wheel yet so I did not have to worry about driving home).
Joining a gym is a hassle nowadays because the terms and conditions that you have to follow restrict you from this and that. So that is mainly why I have stopped going to the gym. I joined a gym nearby my neighbourhood after sitting for PMR in October just to fill up my time.

At TTDI Plaza a few years back for a friend's party.
Another sport that I do is swimming. I have learnt swimming before when I was 9 years old. Truth be told, I had no idea what my instructor have taught. Back then, I was really blur about things around me. Another obstacle was because I have a fear of deep water (I fear heights too). 5 years later, ending of 2006; I decided to take up swimming lessons again. This time, it was with a Sarawakian lady in One Utama's Sealantis. I learnt all 4 strokes - freestyle, backstroke, breastroke and butterfly in a year plus. I would never have thought I (my dad too) would master these strokes and overcome my fear of the deep end of the water.
I do swim occasionally during the weekend sometimes. I still love being underwater. I may not be your golden girl but this is good enough to me.
All in all, I think sports is a good way of relaxing. When I get out of the pool or get off the treadmill, I would feel so much better and 5 times lighter. True story.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
It's like ANNOYING stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay

Cook was born in Houston, Texas on the 20th of December 1982 and raised in Blue Springs, Missouri. He performed musicals in high school and was an avid baseball player.
Most of Cook's song lyrics from his debut album "David Cook" were written by him and dedicated to his late brother, Adam. Before auditioning for American Idol back in 2008, David was in a band called Axium. One of the songs by the band is "Just In Case." Give it a go. Initially, David did not intend to try out for the show but only to support his younger brother, Andrew. Eventually, he auditioned and made it to Hollywood.
He also did a solo album entitled "Analog Heart." I find the lyrics of all of his songs growing deep with emotions. Artists who take the initiative and time to sit down and compose their own songs catch more of my attention. What is so special about David Cook? He can sing a soft slow ballad and at the same time, rock out with his guitar. Some of his musical influences include Our Lady Peace, Pearl Jam, Chris Cornell, Switchfoot, Collective Soul, Alice in Chains and Big Wreck.
Basically, to me, music represents us as individuals. Music is everywhere, even a simple sound. Music connects people from across the globe. We may be a million miles apart, but it is the music which links us together. There are times where you do not feel good; having music that suits the mood cheers us up a little. It is a stint of hope that you are not alone. For example, when I am alone (I am shy to sing in front of crowds), I sing just to let loose.
Sorry to say, but the music produced nowadays have no meaning and are straight-out annoying. New music, they are fresh but not anymore once they become overplayed. I prefer an old song being played over and over again. Truth be told, finding a right song for that particular moment is quite frustrating - where you do not know how you feel or what do you want to feel.
Goo Goo Dolls' Iris. This song is the soundtrack for the movie City of Angels. The lyric of the song is about Nicolas Cage's character who is an angel that falls in love with a human lady.
"I'd give up forever to touch you..." - Because he is an angel, he cannot touch her; his hands would go right through her but both would not feel a thing.
Song lyrics tell a story; as cliche as it sounds, music DOES feed the soul.
Pictures courtesy of
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Week 1 at the new campus
All those places I got found.
And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
- Coldplay's Speed of Sound
Days pass, but weeks seem to pass even faster now; passing at the speed of sound. Week one at the new campus has been quite an experience. It was only once that I was 15 minutes late for a lecture and that was it. This week? Hopefully the traffic will be smoother or I will have to leave home way earlier.

And... Another.
View of the hostel from Block A. There were pictures of the interiors of the hostel posted on Facebook by Taylor's themselves. Pretty environment. I heard that there is going to be a hotel right next to the hostel for Hospitality and Tourism students' use. Reasons why I wanted to be in that course... Sigh. I think that TCHT students have the most facilities on the campus too. With what, 9 restaurants, 14 culinary suites and more to come? Definitely worth paying the tuition fee if you are a TCHT student.
Grilled chicken portobello mushroom wrap @ Dessert's Bar.
3 plates of carbonara coming right up!
One of the long banners stretched across Block A and B. I counted the number of schools there were on the banners. TEN SCHOOLS.
And lastly, we have the Student Central. How may I help you?