Look around you and you will find a sea of people with extra/less body weight on them. People have the thinking that lighter people are healthier compared to people who are heavier. This thought is wrongly interpreted. A heavier person might have extra body mass on them but if they do sports, they are actually healthier than a lighter person who does not do sports. Often times, lighter people think that they do not have to go out and sweat it out because they are not overweight.
I have done sports before but I have lost the drive to start sweating it out again. I have always loved running. Running on the treadmill that is. Running outdoors does not push me further to run but running on the treadmill does. Funny ain't it? I would warm up by running on the treadmill for 10 minutes, head to the machines (I have never touched the weights, ever) for half an hour or so, and run for another 30-45 minutes.
Having people running on other treadmills in the gym makes me compete with them too. Seeing the calorie counter's (which might be wrong sometimes) numbers going up gives me the sense of achievement. I would increase the speed and run at a particular speed at a fast pace for 5 minutes and then slow it down and walk slowly for another 5. I will try to stay on the treadmill for as long as I can; until I literally feel like passing out everytime (mind you, I was not legal to be behind the wheel yet so I did not have to worry about driving home).
Joining a gym is a hassle nowadays because the terms and conditions that you have to follow restrict you from this and that. So that is mainly why I have stopped going to the gym. I joined a gym nearby my neighbourhood after sitting for PMR in October just to fill up my time.

At TTDI Plaza a few years back for a friend's party.
Another sport that I do is swimming. I have learnt swimming before when I was 9 years old. Truth be told, I had no idea what my instructor have taught. Back then, I was really blur about things around me. Another obstacle was because I have a fear of deep water (I fear heights too). 5 years later, ending of 2006; I decided to take up swimming lessons again. This time, it was with a Sarawakian lady in One Utama's Sealantis. I learnt all 4 strokes - freestyle, backstroke, breastroke and butterfly in a year plus. I would never have thought I (my dad too) would master these strokes and overcome my fear of the deep end of the water.
I do swim occasionally during the weekend sometimes. I still love being underwater. I may not be your golden girl but this is good enough to me.
All in all, I think sports is a good way of relaxing. When I get out of the pool or get off the treadmill, I would feel so much better and 5 times lighter. True story.
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